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Be An Angel And Make Christmas Magic Happen By Giving To Kids In West Virginia

Writer's picture: Scarlett BowmanScarlett Bowman
Amazon Wish List

I hope you have been enjoying this gorgeous weather we have been having. As promised, in this newsletter you will find information on how you can help the children I adopt from West Virginia by giving Christmas to West Virginia. Most of you know of this tradition but I have many new clients this year so I will just give a very brief recap on what WEST VIRGINIA CHRISTMAS is. 

Santa In West Virginia

I am originally from West Virginia, like way way down in West Virginia. Yes the farm I own is a family farm but my father moved my mother to WV and that is where myself and my little sister was born and we lived there until I was about 9 years old. I grew up in a very poor coal mining area. My mom and step father moved us out when I was 9 for a better life. When I got older I decided I would help children in that area for the holidays. Many don’t understand the mentality in an area so poverty stricken for generations that even parents have given up hope.

I find it horrible for children to wake up Christmas morning and feel that even Santa doesn’t care about them. I can’t help all the children in need but for abut 20 years now I have been supplying a Christmas to about 20 children each year. 

Last Years Mistake Too Many Boxes

Last year I reached out for help from my clients because the need is greater then ever and it was hard for me to provide for them all by myself. I asked for your help and you SHOWED UP!!! With your help I was able to donate just under 5,000 in gifts and some monetary donations to the church for last minute families in need. Last year I did an Amazon wish list and it seemed to work great EXCEPT that last year I had it go directly to the Pastor’s wife. I figured amazon is shipping anyway might as well ship it there so I don’t have to drive it all down. But that proved to be a mistake. You know amazon and the million boxes that arrive.

Scarlett and the Pastor

Things got confusing and overwhelming for the Pastors wife so this year I have everything going to me. I will sort everything by family and box it up and label the box and make the 5 hour drive down to deliver everything on December 20th.

Attached you will find the list. PLEASE pay attention to each item and its delivery date. Sometimes companies change the delivery date and an item won’t make it to me by the time I need. In that case just pick another item. The kids tell the church things they like, my children and niece are the ones who compose the list picking items they think a child would want.

Amazon Wish List QR Code

I tagged each child and put the info I was given for each one. So if an item we chose is no longer available just pick another comparable item and ship it to me. Also, there is a space to put your name, please put your name so that I can later do thank you cards to each of you who donated. 

Food For West Virginia
Church in West Virginia

In addition to toys I am trying this year to supply each family with a couple boxes of food. One family with 2 young boys didn’t even give kids sizes or likes because they said they needed food more than anything. We still choose some games and toys we thought boys their age would like as I want no child I help to wake up with nothing on Christmas morning. I realize food is a necessity and many families are doing without, so I want this year to supply each family with food as well. I went shopping and put everything on my counter and took a pic. The items came to right around 200.00 for each family. I know I am asking a lot of you guys but I know many of us would be heartbroken if we literally had ZERO money to buy our children even something from dollar store for Christmas and that is the way it is in many areas.

With your help WE can provide these kids with a Christmas they never would have had without your help and have them wake up knowing Santa does care and remembered them. WE can also make sure they have food in their cabinets and are not playing with a toy while having their bellies ache with hunger. I am not asking for food to be donated but for monetary donations so that I can buy equal amounts of all items and supply each family with the same things.

Please send me money by venmo and put WEST VIRGINIA CHRISTMAS in the notes so that I know what the money is for. I will take all the money I receive and go shopping the day before Ieave. I will buy as much as I can with the money I have. You will find my venmo code below. If needed the 4 digit code is 5035. My venmo is Scarlett-Bowman-1

Venmo Scarlett

This is a tradition that means so much to me for so many reasons. At one point in my life I was one of these kids, and it’s a pain that is hard to forget. With your help we can make the hopelessness they feel a little less this holiday season. We can help little kids believe in Santa and help parents realize that good is still out in the world!

As always I am eternally grateful to have such amazing clients. Without your support throughout the years my life would look a lot different.

Even though my life is different now, I have not forgotten where I came from and the struggles that still remain there. I appreciate more than you will ever know the support all of you show when I ask. I wish each and every one of you a BLESSED Thanksgiving!


From my family to yours…….

Happy Thanksgiving! 



Scarlett Bowman

PS Please share on your social media. Feel free to use this photo and/or swipe this copy.

West Virginia Christmas


This holiday season, let’s make a difference together! For over 20 years, I’ve been helping children in my hometown in West Virginia, providing gifts and food for families in need. Last year, with your incredible support, we donated nearly $5,000 in gifts and monetary aid—and we’re doing it again!

💝 Shop the Amazon Wish List:🍎 Donate via Venmo to help supply food for families (Venmo: Scarlett-Bowman-1 | Code: 5035).

Together, we can make sure no child wakes up feeling forgotten on Christmas morning. Let’s show them Santa cares! ❤️



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